Program Outcomes
The Northern Oklahoma College graduate will combine the nursing process, critical thinking, and clinical reasoning within a variety of settings by integrating the standards set forth by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. The graduate will be committed to continual learning.
The graduate of the Associate Degree nursing program will be able to:
- Synthesize principles from the psychosociospiritual, biophysical, and nursing sciences to implement the professional nursing role in acute care and community-based health care
- Incorporate critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and the nursing process to manage the needs of clients experiencing health changes with relatively predictable outcomes throughout the life
- Create relationships by combining therapeutic communication and interpersonal skills to facilitate achievement of holistic health within the cultural
- Manage, prioritize, and provide nursing care for clients and groups of clients, utilizing resources throughout the community.
- Demonstrate personal, ethical, and legal accountability in providing competent and compassionate nursing
- Collaborate with the client, family, and multidisciplinary members of the health care team to provide caring, holistic client
- Facilitate the client/family in acquiring information and skills to achieve optimal level of holistic health.
- Evaluate healthcare issues with a global
- Incorporate a personal and professional identity that encourages lifelong learning and active participation in the nursing arena/profession.