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Amendments Procedure


SECTION ONE:  Proposed Amendments May be Brought Before the Senate by

  • A. A signed petition of twenty (20) percent of the Student Body.
  • B. Any member of the Student Senate who may present an amendment to the constitution at a regular meeting or special meeting of the Senate.

SECTION TWO:  Action on an Amendment
Action on a proposed amendment to the constitution shall be considered by the Student Senate at the next regular meeting.

SECTION THREE:  Amendment Approval

  • A proposed amendment to the constitution must be approved by two-thirds of the votes cast by the Student Body.

SECTION FOUR:  Amendment Published

  • The proposed amendment shall be published in the official school paper at least one week prior to the voting date.

SECTION FIVE:  Administration Approval

  • Following approval by the Student Body, the amendment shall be presented to the administration of the college and will become incorporated into the constitution upon administration approval.