FAQ’s – Stillwater

What is financial aid?

Financial Aid consists of scholarships, grants, loans and work study.

How do I apply for financial aid?

The first step is to fill out a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) each year.  You can file this at   You will be asked to provide information about your family income based on the previous year’s federal tax return.

Do I have to file a new FAFSA every year?

Yes, you must refile for each academic year.  New FAFSA forms are available October 1 of each year for the semesters beginning in August of the next year.

What happens after I send the FAFSA?

Once processed a copy of your information is sent to you either by email or regular mail.  You should print it and keep it for your information.  A copy is also sent to all the schools you listed on the FAFSA.  When NOC receives your information, we will send you a letter that may have additional forms that must be submitted to the financial aid office.  Copies of tax documents may also be required.  When all necessary forms are submitted to NOC, your aid will be processed and an award letter will be sent to you by email or mail.

How do I apply for a student loan?

You must complete the FAFSA.  You must also indicate your interest in a student loan on the Student Data Form sent to you and a loan request form must be completed.  The Financial Aid Office will evaluate your eligibility for grants and loans when your file is completed.

What do I do with the award letter?

You must indicate whether you accept or decline the awards offered and return one copy of the award letter to NOC.  If you are accepting Direct Loans for the first time at NOC, you must also fill out a master promissory note and entrance counseling online at before any loan funds are disbursed.

When is aid disbursed?

Federal grants and loans are transmitted to your account at the end of the drop/add period (two weeks into the semester).  If a credit balance is created, refunds are processed and are available 14 days after the date of transmission.

Why has only part of my Pell grant been transmitted?

Until the fund is liquidated (after drop/add) only enough Pell to cover outstanding expenses owed to NOC will be transmitted.  Also, remember that if you are enrolled half time or three quarter time, you Pell grant award will be prorated according to your enrollment status.

What if I am enrolled at two schools at the same time?

You cannot receive financial aid from two schools during the same academic period; however, you can request a consortium agreement at your home school.  This agreement allows you school to consider hours taken at another school as part of your enrollment.  Thus is you are enrolled at NOC in 9 hours and NWOSU in 3 hours, you can be paid based on FT enrollment.  You will still be responsible for payment for charges incurred at your host school.


Why is the Direct Loan not paying on my account?

Federal regulations require that Direct loan borrowers must do a master promissory note and receive entrance counseling prior to receiving student loan funds.  You can complete the requirements online at the NOC website or

Why is there an Exit hold on my transcript?

Federal regulations require that Direct Loan borrowers complete exit counseling shortly before leaving school either because of graduation or withdrawal.  This counseling is to make you aware of your rights and responsibilities as a loan borrower.  You can complete this requirement online at the NOC website or

Will dropping a class affect my financial aid?

It could cause you to fall below the 67% completion rate.  It could cause you to be placed on a probationary status or it could cause you to be suspended if your financial aid is already in a probationary status.  You should consult with the Financial Aid Office to be sure how you will be affected.  Dropping all classes in any one semester will require you to repay a portion of your financial aid if you drop before the 60% point in the semester.  It will also cause you to be put on financial aid suspension.

Why was my financial aid suspended and what do I have to do to be reinstated?

Each school must develop a Satisfactory Academic Progress policy to measure students’ quantitative and qualitative progress.  This means generally that you must complete at least 67% of the classes you enroll in and you must maintain a 2.0 GPA for the semester.  You must complete your Associates degree by the time you have accumulated 93 credit hours.  Details of our SAP are found in the Student Handbook.  If federal aid is suspended, you have a right to appeal the decision by submitting in writing your reasons along with documentation to substantiate your reasons.  A committee of faculty members will review the appeals and make a decision.  Otherwise, you will be expected to satisfactorily complete 12 hours which you have paid for yourself.

What do I have to do to get my financial aid transferred to another college?

First be sure that you have listed the new school on your FAFSA so they will receive your Student Aid Report.  Let NOC know that you are leaving so any aid disbursement pending for the next semester can be canceled.  Contact the Financial Aid Office at the new school to see if they will need additional documents.  Complete  Exit Counseling if you are a Direct Loan borrower at NOC.

Why didn’t I receive a Pell grant?

To qualify for a Pell grant you must demonstrate exceptional financial need.  This is measured by the information you submit on the FAFSA.  The family income information is run through a formula written by Congress to test the family’s ability to pay.  The final result is the EFC number which is printed on your Student Aid Report.  This EFC number is compared to a chart prepared by the U.S. Dept of Ed to determine your Pell grant eligibility.

What is the difference between a subsidized and an unsubsidized Direct Loan?

The federal government pays the interest on behalf of the student for subsidized loan amounts as long as they are enrolled at least half time and during their six month grace period (deferment period).   Students must demonstrate financial need to be eligible for a subsidized Direct Loan.  No payment of principal or interest is required during the deferment period.  With an unsubsidized Direct loan, the student does not have to demonstrate financial need.  Students are responsible for interest payments during the deferment period.  Interest may be paid periodically or can be capitalized to the principal.

What is the value of my Oklahoma’s Promise award (OHLAP)?

OHLAP is a cash award that pays an amount equal to a student’s resident tuition charges.  It does not pay for fees, books, supplies, room, board or other charges.  You need to be sure that the Financial Aid Office at NOC is aware that you are an OHLAP student.

Will OHLAP pay for summer classes?

Yes, OHLAP is available to pay for summer terms except during the first summer immediately following your graduation from high school.

What is OTAG?

OTAG (Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant) is a grant program administered by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.  It provides funds in addition to a student’s Pell grant of up to $1000 a year.

How can I get an OTAG grant?

To be considered for OTAG, applicants must file the FAFSA no later than December 1st prior to the award year.  OTAG recipients must be an Oklahoma resident, have a low EFC (currently 1700 or below) and have been awarded federal financial aid for the term.  They must also have remaining financial need after all federal aid and scholarships are deducted and be enrolled at least half time.  OTAG awards are not available for the summer term.