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Northern Oklahoma College Concurrent Students

Concurrent enrollment provides qualified high school students the opportunity to earn college credit from NOC at the same time they are completing high school credits. High school junior and seniors in Oklahoma can now earn college credit AND earn a tuition waiver.

Students can earn concurrent resident college credit up to 27 hours (9 hours – junior year and 18 hours – senior year), tuition free, while still in high school.

Concurrent high school students must be eligible to satisfy the high school curricular requirements for college admissions no later than the spring of their senior year. A high school student admitted under the provisions set forth below may enroll in a combined number of high school and college courses per semester not to exceed a full-time college work load of 19 semester credit-hours. A high school student may enroll in a maximum of 9 semester credit-hours during a summer session following the end of his/her junior year of high school.

High School Junior and Senior Admission Criteria. Student eligibility will continue to be governed by State Regents’ current admissions policy and must meet the following requirements for admission:

  • The student must have taken the ACT test

Juniors and Seniors must have:
An ACT Composite Score of at least a 19, or a 3.00 high school GPA; and, an ACT subsection score of at least a 19 in the area of enrollment.

  • The student cannot enroll in zero-level or remedial courses.
  • The student must maintain a college GPA of 2.00 on a 4.00 scale to be eligible for continued concurrent enrollment.
  • A copy of the student’s high-school transcript and ACT scores must accompany the concurrent form.

Concurrent students must fill out the online application for admissions the first time they enroll at NOC. They must also complete the Concurrent Permissions Form and provide an official high school transcript and ACT scores each semester they enroll concurrently.

Concurrent Resident Tuition Waiver for Seniors – Oklahoma seniors are eligible for the concurrent resident tuition waiver. NOC will waive up to 18 credit hours of tuition for Seniors taking concurrent college courses while in high school. The resident tuition waiver does not waive course fees or book costs.

NEW FALL Concurrent Resident Tuition Waiver for Juniors

Concurrent Resident Tuition Waiver for Juniors – Northern Oklahoma College will now waive up to nine credit hours of resident tuition for juniors. The hours can only be taken during the fall and spring semester of the students’ junior year.

Courses offered. Tuition waivers will apply to regularly scheduled courses offered by State System institutions, on campus, by electronic delivery, or direct instruction. Institutions are not expected to create additional classes specifically to accommodate high school juniors and seniors.