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History Club students take trip to New Mexico

Cutline:  NOC History Club members traveled to New Mexico over spring break to study Pueblo history.  Pictured (L-R):  Truman Hague, Malachi Biby, Mark Hodgson, Maddy Jones, NOC Social Science Instructor Dr. Alyce Webb, Laura Hernandez. NOC history students plan...

NOC inducts three into Distinguished Hall of Fame

Jeff Medders, Willie Street MPAS, PA-C, and Dr. Jim Appleman were inducted into the Northern Oklahoma College Alumni Hall of Fame Saturday in Tonkawa. NOC inducts three into Distinguished Hall of Fame Northern Oklahoma College inducted Dr. Jim Appleman, Jeff Medders,...

US Marshal speaks to NOC Criminal Justice Students

United States Marshal for Northern District of Oklahoma Clayton Johnson spoke to NOC Criminal Justice students Wednesday, March 29. Johnson, an NOC graduate, has served law enforcement over 30 years as a police officer, police chief, and United States Marshal. He...

Former NOC presidents speaks for Women’s History Month

Cutline:  NOC President Emeritus Dr. Cheryl Evans spoke at Women’s History Month last Thursday at NOC Enid.  The program is sponsored by the NOC Diversity Committee.  Pictured (L-R):  Dr. Mary Ann McCoy, Diversity Chairperson, Dr. Evans, NOC Vice President for Enid...

NOC Planetarium show on Good Friday

The Northern Oklahoma College Enid Mackie Planetarium will present a 20-minute walk along the Via Dolorosa in the old city of Jerusalem at 12:30 p.m. on Good Friday, April 7. Visitors can join the Franciscan friars on their Friday walk and prayer along Jesus’ last...

Criminal profiler hosts seminar at NOC April 25

Criminal profiler hosts seminar at NOC April 25 Noted criminal profiler and true crime writer Phil Chalmers will host a seminar at Northern Oklahoma College Tonkawa April 25. The event, organized by NOC Criminal Justice Instructor Troy Cochran, will be held at the...