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03.16.2020 – Update from the NJCAA

03.16.2020 – Update from the NJCAA

The NJCAA has canceled athletics for the remainder of the 2019-20 academic year.This from the NJCAA:Following the recent recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the NJCAA has made the difficult decision to cancel all upcoming...

03.14.2020 – Federal Updates on COVID‐19

Economic Relief Package: This morning, the House of Representatives overwhelming approved an economic relief package that includes, but is not limited to, funding for paid sick leave, unemployment insurance, free COVID‐19 testing, and food assistance. Higher education...
3.13.2020 – Letter to Residents

3.13.2020 – Letter to Residents

Dear Resident,As announced March 12, NOC has decided to suspend face-to-face instruction beginning Monday, March 23 through Friday, April 3. All instruction will be online. There are no known cases of COVID-19 on campus, but the college is taking this important...
03.13.2020 – Coronavirus HR Update

03.13.2020 – Coronavirus HR Update

Due to the current COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, we must be vigilant and prepared to ensure College operations continue in a safe manner. The following topics should be reviewed to ensure there is a well-understood plan and approach for whatever spring may...