NOC Is Runner-Up in State Voter Registration Contest

Named runner-up in the Oklahoma Campus Compact (OkCC) Voter Registration Contest, Northern Oklahoma College sent students and administrative representatives to Oklahoma City to receive its 2016 voter registration award.
NOC students registered 193 voters during Constitution Week in September. Students from the President’s Leadership Council, Criminal Justice Club, SADD, Radio Club, College Democrats, and Young Republicans encouraged students to vote through class presentations, voter registration booths, and canvassing residence halls.
The contest was sponsored by Campus Compact, a service learning organization. Twenty-three Oklahoma colleges and universities participated in the voter registration drive by registering 3,622 in-state and 136 out-of-state students. Contest winners were based on a percentage of the total enrollment for the college.
Pictured front row left to right:
Oklahoma State Regents Chair John Massey, NOC Stillwater Vice President Shannon Cunningham, NOC Enid student Madison Kimble, NOC President Cheryl Evans, Oklahoma State System of Higher Education Chancellor Glen D. Johnson, NOC Stillwater student Jarrett Cook, NOC Enid student Cale Minx, NOC Stillwater student Avonlea Baird, Tonkawa student Karlie Arnold, and NOC Stillwater PLC sponsor Diana Watkins.
Back row:
NOC Tonkawa Dean of Students Ryan Paul, NOC Enid Dean of Students Bradley Jennings, Tonkawa student Jonathan Childers, and Vice President of Student Affairs Jason Johnson
Service learning at Northern Oklahoma College connects community partners with NOC students, faculty, and staff. Our mission is to complement the traditional aims of higher education with principles of active and responsible citizenship through service-learning and volunteer outreach. Whether you are a student looking for service opportunities, faculty who wish to incorporate service learning into coursework, or an organization in need of volunteers, we are here to serve you.
2017 NOC Civic Action Plan
As a member of Campus Compact, Northern Oklahoma College is committed to developing an institutional culture that actively combines academic pursuits with civic involvement. As a sign of NOC’s commitment to being a “Life Changing” institution, President Cheryl Evans was the first college president in Oklahoma to sign Campus Compact’s 30th Anniversary Action Statement of Presidents and Chancellors.

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