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08.21.20 – NOC Pandemic Plan Update

Northern Family, NOC will continue to update its pandemic response plan as needed to reflect new guidelines from the health and scientific community, as well as input from all of our constituencies. In the newly-posted Pandemic Response Plan, updated 8.21.2020,...

NOC holds Virtual Graduation

Northern Oklahoma College’s Virtual Commencement Ceremony was held Saturday, Aug. 8. Diane Anderson was the commencement speaker. “This has been a trying few months,” Anderson said to the graduates. “This was not the graduation you planned but fortunately we have the...

08.8.2020 – NOC Pandemic Response Plan

NOC Pandemic Response Plan (read full plan) NOC will continue to update its pandemic response plan as needed to reflect new guidelines from the health and scientific community, as well as input from all of our constituencies.  In the newly-posted Pandemic Response...