Northern Oklahoma College approved a resolution supporting the current gun law on guns on campus at Thursday’s board of regents meeting in Enid.
The resolution states that the “members of the NOC Board of Regents support maintaining the current law regarding weapons on campus, in which the President (Diana Morris Watkins) has the discretion to allow individuals to carry weapons on campus when the individual circumstances warrant it. We strongly oppose any changes to state law regarding weapons on college and university campuses.”
In other business, regents approved academic service fee requests, a workplace wellness policy, and the monthly financial reports for December and January.
The board also approved two purchases including roof repairs at Maverick and Threlkeld Residence Halls in Tonkawa at a cost of $117,390.00 and a wellness track replacement at the NOC Tonkawa Wellness Center at a cost of $97,390.00. Williams Construction earned the roof replacement bid while Performance Surfaces earned the track resurfacing contract.
In administrator updates, Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Shelly Mencacci reported that faculty had pivoted well to virtual learning at NOC Tonkawa due to water issues in Tonkawa.
“We are prepared for moments like this,” she said. “I appreciate our division chairs for their work in leading our faculty.”
She added that the NOC Tonkawa Ag/Science Division recently hosted an Interscholastic Contest, the Business Division is hosting a tax preparation service in Tonkawa, and Nursing hosted a Health Career Day in Tonkawa.
Vice President for Development and Community Relations Sheri Snyder reported on upcoming events including a Donor’s Recognition Dinner (March 10), Alumni & Friends Reunion/Distinguished Alumni Banquet (March 29), Renfro Spring Lectureship (April 3), and Business Partnership Event featuring the Enid Public Schools (May 6).
Jeremy Hise, Vice President for NOC Enid, reported that work is starting on the Failing Field Renovation Project. He said that construction on the lights should be starting soon. The lights are the first phase of the project funded by the City of Enid/Enid Public Schools at a cost of $230,000.00.
Vice President for Enrollment Management Dr. Rick Edgington reported that Spring Enrollment is up 8% over last spring and credit hour production is up 10% over last spring.
Anita Simpson, Vice President for Financial Affairs, provided a list of deferred maintenance projects that NOC is currently involved.
Deferred maintenance money was provided by the state legislature to assist Oklahoma higher education entities in facility management.
“We appreciate our legislators for providing this funding,” she said.
Dr. Marsh Howard, Vice President for Stillwater, said that NOC is working on a parking lot fundraiser for the upcoming “Boys from Oklahoma Concert” April 10-13. He said that more information will be available next week.
Vice President for Student Affairs Jason Johnson reported that men and women wrestlers will be at the NJCAA Championships March 7-8 in Council Bluffs, Iowa. He said a send-off will be held Wednesday, March 5 at noon at Foster-Piper Fieldhouse in Tonkawa.
President Diana Morris Watkins reported that she will be attending legislative events over the next week as legislators continue work on the 2025 legislative session.
The March BOR meeting is set for Wednesday, March 26 in the Brown Room at NOC Stillwater at 2 p.m.