Welcome to the Testing Center
You will find information on testing and assessment services offered at Northern Oklahoma College. Whether your goal is to achieve an associate degree or just enhance your education by taking a few courses, testing may be part of the educational process. Please click on the appropriate link for specific information regarding individual tests and its process. We hope this website will assist you by providing information about assessment and testing at NOC.
Course Placement Information
NOC Course Placement ACT & Holistic Information
Suzy Stergas-Tonkawa-Library Administration Building RM 100D 580.628.6349
Susan Barnes-Stillwater-Class Room Building RM 285 580.628.6907
Michaelene Malan-Enid-Everest Administration Building RM 101G 580.548.2265
To schedule for an exam, click on the appropriate RegisterBlast campus link below.